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jeudi 5 mai 2011

Human Development Index. Libya: first in Africa. IDH. La Libye, première en Afrique

Vous savez quoi ? Face à la propagande, surtout lorsqu'elle est orchestrée par deux "syndicats" aussi pourvus de moyens que l'ONU et l'OTAN, rien ne vaut l'information brute, incontestable, celle qui se passe presque de commentaires.

Alors je suis allé chercher quelques statistiques, comme celles relatives à l'indice de développement humain, dont on dit qu'il est bien plus révélateur du niveau de développement d'un pays que le seul produit intérieur brut.

Le fait est que la Libye y occupe une place de choix, en tête du continent africain, abstraction faite de l'archipel des Seychelles.

Il se trouve que trois pays africains ont cru bon de se liguer avec le "syndicat" onusien lors du vote de la résolution 1973, trois pays, forcément bien moins classés à l'IDH que la Libye. Trois pays qui, malgré leur soumission obséquieuse face à l'ONU, n'ont tout de même pas poussé le bouchon jusqu'à aller reconnaître les Harkis de Benghazi, contrairement à la Gambie, ce pays mis sous coupe réglée par les proxénètes internationaux, qui en ont fait une destination de choix pour les touristes sexuels !

You know what? Against the propaganda, especially when it's orchestrated by two big Syndicates as those we have got with the UN and NATO, there is nothing more accurate than raw information, speaking for itself.

So I got some statistics like those concerning the Human Development Index, which is said to be much more indicative of the development level of a country than just the Gross Domestic Product.

The fact is that Libya occupies a prominent place at the head of the African continent, apart from the Seychelles archipelago.

Moreover, there were three African countries which dared to unite with the U.N. "Syndicate" on Resolution 1973, three countries with a worse HDI ranking than Libya. Three countries which, despite their obsequious submission to the aggressors, still didn't dare to recognize the Harkis of Benghazi, unlike Gambia, this country ruled by international pimps who made it an important resort for sex tourists!






La Libye, 53ème mondiale, a le meilleur indice de développement humain du Maghreb

Selon le 20ème rapport 2010 du Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD) sur l'indice de développement humain (IDH), la Libye est le pays maghrébin le mieux classé mondialement (53ème position), avec un indice de 0,755. Elle est suivie de la Tunisie, 81ème, avec un indice de 0,683, et de l’Algérie, 84ème, avec un indice de 0,677. Le Maroc est à la 114ème place avec un indice de 0,567. La Mauritanie ferme la marche maghrébine, en 136ème position, avec un indice de seulement 0,433. 

Libya, 53th in the world, has the highest human development index of Maghreb countries

According to the 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) report of the 20th United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) , Libya is the Northern African country with the best ranking (53rd position), with an index of 0.755, followed by Tunisia, 81st, with an index of 0.683, and Algeria, 84th, with an index of 0.677. Morocco is at the 114th place with a 0.567 index. Mauritania, at the 136th position, is bottom of the class with an index of only 0.433. 







À propos :

Tripoli: "Le premier mandat d'arrêt contre Ben Laden a été émis par la Libye"

Le premier mandat d'arrêt émis contre Oussama Ben Laden, en 1998, ne l'a pas été par Washington mais pas le gouvernement de Mouammar Kadhafi, a rappelé hier un officiel libyen au Washington Post, dans ce que le journal américain a qualfié de "tentative de se présenter comme un allié dans le combat contre Al Qaida". Le mandat qui avait été approuvé par Interpol, a été émis après que deux agents allemands des "services anti-terroristes" ont été abattus dans la ville libyenne de Syrte en 1994. Cinq mois après que ce mandat a été émis, Al Qaida avait mené les attentats à la bombes coordonnés contre les ambassades américaines au Kenya et en Tanzanie, tuant plus de 200 personnes.  "A l'époque, ils ne nous ont pas écoutés, parce que personne n'écoutait la Libye à ce moment là", a encore affirmé cet officiel libyen au Washington Post.

Tripoli: "The first arrest warrant against Bin Laden was issued by Libya"

The first arrest warrant against Osama bin Laden has not been issued by the U.S. administration but in 1998 by the government of Muammar Gaddafi, a Libyan official said yesterday at the Washington Post, what the American newspaper qualfied as an "attempt to present himself as an ally in the fight against Al Qaeda." The mandate had been approved by Interpol and was issued after two German anti-terrorism and intelligence agents had been killed in the Libyan city of Sirte in 1994. Five months after the warrant was issued, Al Qaeda carried out the coordinated bombings against U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing over 200 people. "They didn't listen to us, because nobody listened to Libya at that time," the Libyan official said.

The Washington Post

bin laden

vendredi 29 avril 2011

From Guantánamo to Benghazi: Obama's fuzzy policy

Avertissement : pour l'essentiel, ce document ne contient que des passages en anglais. Et soit dit entre nous, ce n'est pas de la mauvaise volonté mais je n'ai franchement pas trop de temps en ce moment, donc, j'invite les francophones et les non-anglophones à faire usage d'un traducteur en ligne. Ce n'est pas parfait, mais ça aide [on sélectionne quelques paragraphes à la souris, puis l'on copie (touches 'ctrl' puis 'C'), on colle ('ctrl' - V) et la traduction se fait toute seule, ou presque.]

Barack Obama, Anno dazumal! 

This German phrase should mean: B.O., long, very long ago!, or: B.O...., how time flies!

Remember: not so long ago...



À propos, can "the divine surprise" lose the coming election? 

Yes, he can! 

The reason?

For having disappointed his most ardent supporters!

Do you think that Black America, Latin America, Poor America, Middle Class America..., and especially the American Youth will trust him again?

Remember Guantánamo!

Council on foreign relations

The Candidates on Military Tribunals and Guantánamo Bay

The Democratic candidates have called for Guantanamo’s closure, saying the camp violates civil liberties and the Geneva Conventions. The Republican candidates have, with a few exceptions, reasserted their support for the activities at Guantanamo as legitimate for the country’s counterterrorism struggle. The 2006 Military Commissions Act divided the presidential contenders down party lines. That legislation, which passed, allows prosecution of Guantánamo prisoners in a military court, and abolishes habeas corpus for “enemy combatants.” The Democratic candidates in Congress voted across the board against the act, while nearly all of the Republican candidates serving in Congress voted to pass it. Meanwhile, the Bush administration has been steadily reducing the number of detainees and has been seeking to return dozens of cleared prisoners to their countries of origin. It has also considered closing Guantanamo and moving the prisoners to other detention centers.

Announcing the closure of the controversial detention facility would be among the most potent signals the incoming administration could send of its sharp break with the Bush era, according to the advisers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak for the president-elect. They believe the move would create a global wave of diplomatic and popular goodwill that could accelerate the transfer of some detainees to other countries. But the advisers, as well as outside national security and legal experts, said the new administration will face a thicket of legal, diplomatic, political and logistical challenges to closing the prison and prosecuting the most serious offenders in the United States - an effort that could take many months or longer. Among the thorniest issues will be how to build effective cases without using evidence obtained by torture, an issue that attorneys for the detainees will almost certainly seek to exploit.
Although as a candidate Obama publicly expressed his desire to close the detention facility, his transition team stressed this week that the president-elect has not assembled his national security and legal team and that no decisions have been made "about where and how to try the detainees," Denis McDonough, an Obama foreign policy adviser, said in a statement issued Monday.
The incoming administration will also have to prepare military or federal prisons where it plans to hold those it intends to prosecute and must assuage state and local concerns about housing the detainees. The Obama administration is also likely to use its diplomatic leverage to seek guarantees that some transferred detainees will be closely monitored, commitments that the Bush administration has found wanting in the case of countries such as Yemen. Approximately 100 Yemeni prisoners remain at Guantanamo Bay. Human rights advocates and some advisers expect the new administration to outlaw torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, detain people seized on the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan under the traditional laws of war, and insist on criminal prosecution against terrorism suspects seized elsewhere.

Le président américain revient sur ses engagements et autorise la reprise des procès. Il n’y avait pas de meilleur critique du système de Guantánamo que Barack Obama. "Notre système judiciaire ne peut pas être basé sur la décision d’un seul homme", disait-il il y a quelques mois, en promettant notamment de mettre fin à la détention sans jugement mise en place par George Bush. Or, le président démocrate n’est pas seulement revenu sur son engagement de fermer la base militaire. Lundi soir, il annonçait la reprise des procès militaires d’exception, interrompus depuis deux ans. Le triomphe du "pragmatisme". Barack Obama reste déterminé à fermer Guantanamo. Il reste convaincu que la justice ordinaire des Etats-Unis est "un élément clé» pour juger les terroristes «de manière cohérente avec notre sécurité et nos valeurs". Il n’en reste pas moins que, en renouant avec le principe des commissions militaires pour des dizaines de détenus et en relançant la procédure de détention sans jugement pour une quarantaine d’autres, le président américain finit de faire une croix sur l’essentiel de ses engagements à propos de Guantánamo.

Guantánamo: Obama's final climb down

U.S. President goes back on his commitments and allows the resumption of trials.
There was no better criticism of the Guantánamo's system than Barack Obama. "Our judicial system cannot be based on the decision of one man," he said a few months ago, promising in particular to end the detentions without trials set up by George Bush. But the Democratic president not only went back on his promise to close the military base. Monday night, he announced the resumption of emergency military trials, that had been suspended for two years. The triumph of "pragmatism". Barack Obama remains committed to closing Guantanamo. He remains convinced that the ordinary courts of the United States are a "key element" to judge terrorists "consistently with our security and our values.".
Nevertheless, reestablishing the principle of military commissions for dozens of inmates, and restarting the procedure for detention without any trial for about forty others, the U.S. president finally gave up his main commitments about Guantánamo.

And now Benghazi!

McCain wants Obama to recognize Libyan rebel council

Senator Mc Cain

"We discussed the question of U.S. recognition and the question of U.S. help to the alliance in protecting civilians who are subjected to a true humanitarian tragedy," Jalil told the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television, monitored in Cairo. McCain, the top Republican on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, also said he was worried the battle between Gaddafi's troops and rebel forces was reaching a stalemate that could "open the door to radical Islamic fundamentalism." He said NATO should intensify its air campaign, particularly in the besieged city of Misrata, the largest rebel bastion in western Libya. "It is still incredibly puzzling to me that the two most accurate close air support weapons systems, the A-10 and the AC-130, have been taken out of the fight," he said.

Hey, let me ask a question, er...; no, two, er..., no, three questions :

1. "John Mac Cain wants Obama to recognize Libyan rebel council...", including Al Qaeda members actually present in Eastern Libya, according to Wikileaks?

2. State Secr. Hillary Clinton should have apparently disappeared from the surface of the Earth. Can anybody tell us where is Ms Clinton presently? I wonder why it is Senator Mac Cain who visited the new friends of Barack Obama in Eastern Libya, instead of Ms Clinton! 

3. Is it true that the American Republicans are presently urging Obama's government to budget cuts in Washington, according to this?...

But this time Republicans are holding us all hostage to their demands, saying, “We’ll shut down the government if you don’t agree to big, big changes” that are made outside of the normal budget process. They want dramatic cuts in the things We, the People (government) do for each other, such as investment in infrastructure, unemployment benefits, research, disease control, transportation programs, etc. They are even cutting the Social Security Administration -- the people who get you on the list when you are 65 and send out the checks! They are demanding that no compromises be made, they want the government gutted or shutted.

... And this:... 

"How can Democrats have an honest discussion and work toward a compromise when the other side is not so secretly hoping for a government shutdown because of their uncompromising, extremist views. Democrats widely support working toward a compromise while Republicans are strongly opposed to any kind of deal that doesn't allow them everything they want. They are like the kid on the playground who threatens to take the football home if he doesn't get to play the position he wants."

How funny are some comments on the Internet!


À propos : sharing water with neighbours...

Source : Webistan

lundi 25 avril 2011

Libya: Barack Obama's bad muses. Les muses maléfiques de Barack Obama

A colonial U.N. war in Libya: but how could Barack Obama ignore this...?

Une agression coloniale en Libye cautionnée par l'ONU : mais comment Barack Obama a-t-il pu ignorer ça ?

For the desert's inhabitant, there is something much more important than oil, gold and diamonds together : WATER!

Pour l'habitant du désert, il y a bien plus important que le pétrole, l'or et les diamants réunis : l'EAU !

Les images qui suivent sont tirées de diverses vidéos disponibles sur Youtube.

The following pictures come from videos avalaible on Youtube.

Part. 1 - Sources :

Video 1  -  Video 2  -  Video 3  -  Video 4  -  Video 5   

Struggling for water in the Libyan desert..., long time ago!

Il y a bien longtemps, dans le désert libyen : la bataille pour la survie, pour trouver de l'eau.





Part. 2 - Main source

Greening the desert. Quand le désert reverdit.

Gaddhafi may be a dictator (according to Western standards!), but he made it possible to bring water (1000 liters available each day for each person!) to the whole Libyan population! And what a blessing for the bedouins!

Kadhafi est probablement un dictateur (si l'on se fie aux normes occidentales !), mais il a permis aux Libyens de disposer d'un millier de litres d'eau par jour et par personne. Et quelle bénédiction pour les bédouins !























The main symbol of Libyan pride? Not oil but WATER!
Le principal symbole de la fierté libyenne ? Pas le pétrole, l'EAU!


Please, brother Barack, go to Libya, meet the Bedouins in the desert and ask them about Gaddhafi and whether they feel proud of their country or not, and after that, you will have nothing intelligent to do but stopping this stupid colonial war!

Of course, you do know the very reason of my struggle to convince you: to avoid my brother ruining his image of a Nobel prize winner, and being ridiculous in the face of the whole world! 

Cher frère Barack, va donc en Libye, pour y rencontrer  les Bédouins, chez eux, dans le désert, et demande-leur ce qu'ils pensent de Kadhafi et s'ils se sentent fiers ou non de leur pays, et puis, après cela, fais la seule chose intelligente que tu puisses faire : arrêter cette stupide agression coloniale !

Je n'ai pas besoin d'insister sur les raisons pour lesquelles je m'efforce de te convaincre : éviter à un frère de ruiner son image de lauréat du Prix Nobel, tout en lui évitant de se couvrir de ridicule devant le monde entier.

A propos, not long ago...